Time and time again we have been victims the judgments of FIRST IMPRESSIONS. Whether the judgments are true or whether we are prepared, they happened all the time.
It is sad but true. The world we live in is filled with wolves. Big ugly bad wolves, small tiny ‘cute’ looking wolves and wolves that look like ‘sheep’. They are all over in different shapes and sizes, race and gender…They are everywhere
So BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick to
Criticize and
It seems to me that we live in a world that is retracting back to the animal kingdom. Yes I know that was a very long time ago but isn't it true that human beings are acting more like beasts?
They prey on each other.
Again it is sad but true.
Everyday whatever you like it or not people are judging you.
They give you 3 seconds of their attention and these 3 seconds are not a 'hi' or 'bye' but a stare up and down to see if you are 'worthy' of their conversation or time. They label you as 'naughty or nice', 'cool or un-cool', 'worthy or unworthy'.
They judge that you are a hooker if you are wearing too short shorts or are exposing a little too much cleavage, or label you as a 'worm', if you are in overly baggy clothing or worst still they criticize even when you are perfectly well dressed. They impose their value system on you and pull you down in their minds.
For what?
Well a lot of times it is for their own self-gratification.
Many wolves out there get a kick from someone else’s discouragement. Their spirits get lifted when others are pushed down as everything to them is a competition and race. Why do think the phrase ‘rat race’ came from?
So given all this nonsense and misery what can be done? How can we change the world to a better place?
Well a lot has been done already.
Look at Mother Theresa or Ghundi. They committed their lives to change the world but it is still in chaos and void of love.
Check out Obama and his recent speeches. Everyone is advocating change. But people being people resist change. Why? Maybe it is because they don’t want to get out of their comfort zones…
So given all this, the thing to do is to prepare ourselves from this judgmental world.
Whose responsibility shall it be?
Well in my perception….
It should be the parents.
Well who else can the younger generation learn from? It is either the parents or someone outside the walls of the home. But don't trust those who are outside the home. You could be leaving your child to the teachings of wolves themselves. (Wolves in sheep skins). They may seem nice and all but you can't control what they teach your children. The only thing you can control is how and what you teach your children. It is your responsibility as a parent to do so. So please step up and mentor your children.
Teach them how be clothed with success to fend off the judgments and continue on with their pursuit of success and accomplishment. Teach them to put on the armour of God and equip them with love, prayers and a sound mind.
Guide them to know how to compose themselves and watch their actions and behaviour.
Teach them to be more discerning, highlighting who they can and cannot trust.
This is essential as I learnt it the hard way.
Not because my parents didn’t teach me but because I choose not to listen.
So the next thing is to teach but also make sure they listen and internalise what you are teaching.
Gain their respect first. Walk your talk and garner that respect. Only then will your words and ‘mentorship’ be taken seriously.
More will be discuss in following blog entries and in my book.
God bless
Article Supplied by a chick who is writing a parenting book from a daughter's perspective Publish Post
More can be read on www.damnsian.com
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