Friday, December 21, 2007



I can't believe that I somehow passed my tennis coaching school exam! Its really a miracle as I have only had less than 5 tennis lessons myself and have only played for the last three odd years! WOW, someone out there really loves me man! WOW WOW WOW!

Well, now I'm certified with PTR, Professional Tennis Registry as a tennis coach, so do let me know if you need some help from moi!

Will fill you in with more information when I get over this shock!



Monday, December 17, 2007

Devotions~being led by the Spirit of God part 1

Hi everyone,

I have been committing to type out a lot of good sermons and messages to a lot of people but have yet to do so....but I promise that i'll try my best to at least summarize the key verses on my future blog entries.....

For today's entry, I just want to share some inspirations that I got from a great book that Mike lent me. Its titled "How You Can Be Lead by the Spirit of God" by Kenneth E.Hagin.

I totally recommend that you all get a hold of this boook as there are a lot of golden nuggets of truths and power in it. I will share those that have spoken to me but I can't possibly share all without re-writing the whole book on my get a copy of it if you can:)

Insipiration 1: The Lamp of the Lord

The spirit of man is the candle (lamp, light buld...) of the Lord, searching all the inwards parts of the belly" ~Proverbs 20:27

Children of God can expect to be led by the Spirit of God. God will enlighten and guide us through our Spirits.

Many the times we seek the suidance by every other means but God and we normally get into trouble when we do so. I used to think that God speaks to his children by feelings which could be expalined through our physically senses. I used to think that maybe I'll feel a specific warmth or coolness and only then that I will know it is from God.

But God speaks to us to our spirits. God said that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, not the body or our intellect which is our mentality.

In order to fully understand this concept, you need to understand the nature of man

INSPIRATION 2: Man: An Eternal Spirit

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness....So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him. ~ Genesis 2:26,27

Man and yes that includes Woman too is spirit being, make in the likeness of God. Jesus said that GOD is a Spirit (John 4:24) Therefore, man must of necessity be a spirit.

Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a physical body (1 Thess 5:23)

Even when we K.O or die, our spirit still lives on. That part of man is eternal. Spirit can never die and man is spirit.

There is an inward and outward man. The outward man is not the real you. It is only the house in which you live in. The inward man is the real you. The inward man never grows older. He is renewed day by day. So no need for anti-wrinkle cream or liposuction sessions:)

The inward man is a spirit man.

In Romans 8:14 it says " many are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Then verse 16 give us insights into how the Spirit of God leads us "The Spirit itself beareth withness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." In other words, the Spirit of God bear withness with the spirit of man.

Our inward man is in our heart.
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is incorruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price" ~1 Peter 3:4

In many places when the Bible speaks of the heart, it is speaking of the spirit. This is the real man. It will help you in your believing and in your faith to think like that. You can substitute the word heart for spirit when you are reading the New Testament, to get a clearer picture of what the Bible is talking about.

It is the spirit of man that is born again.
"Therefore is any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" ~2 Corinthians 5:17

This verse is talking about the inward man, and how you become a new creation when your spirit is born again in Christ.


Note: that we are Spirit beings, with a soul living in a physical body once again. Remember that we are lead by our Spirit and it is only through our spirit that God speaks and reveals things to us.

We need to specifically learn how to differentiate between our emotions, mind and intellect which is our soul from our spirit. It is easy to know what is not body but mastering how to differentiate between soul and spirit takes time seeking God.

Sometimes we are more mental-conscious because we live more in the mental realm, we need to fall back on logic or on what is normal or physically possible. We especially think this way cause we are constantly bombarded by advertisements that we block out what are the truths.

We need to learn how to by-pass the mental-consciousness and go straight to the spirit-consciousness. Its hard and i'm still learning how to tune into it. I know a lot of people who have gotten so much favour from God because they heard directly from God on where to go and what to do next. If we try to put logic on everything, we will firstly, move a lot slower, accomplish less and worst of all fall into pits where we struggle and not achieve anything fruitful at all.

Many of us....that's including me....are guilty of sayign that we are too busy for God. And we go about, rushing around from work, play, gymming, gaming, drinking....etc etc....

Sometimes, i'm so busy with useless stuff. I rush around just because I don't like wasting time. And at the end of the day, realise that nothing was accomplished. However days that I seek God first, he restores the time spent with him with favour after favour and make my remaining hours a lot more productive.

So i'm going to end off this entry for today as I need to meet my designer friend Benno. I hope you were able to take away some important points.....I've got a lot more to share in the upcoming entries.

Love you


Monday, December 10, 2007

More Behind the Scenes Pictures

Mike and Me at the entrance of Arena

Kristine and me

This is my god sister, Hui shan on the left

Behind the Scenes of the Finals

FEMALE Magazine 50 Most Gorgeous People Finals at Arena

Dear Everyone,

Thank you so so much for all your support and sms votings. Because of you and your support, God blessed me with the Ms Platinum Title on the night of the finals. In my opinion, it is the second best prize cause its CA$H!
So thank you once again for all the love. I wished I could have invited everyone but the club was at its maximum capacity.
To those who came to cheer me on with your pomp pomps! Thanks again for the encouragement and love. Hope everyone had fun, especially since there was free booze and Haagen Dazs ice cream. Yummms:)
My friend James helped me video the event, so I'll be uploading them in the near future:)
Enjoy the pictures for now:)

The fitting at Ted Baker, Vivocity

the girls chilling before the show

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Dear all,

Please keep me in your prayers. Tomorrow I have to prepare for my tennis coaching exam plus get all pumped up for the STAR TV hosting auditions.

This will be my first time challenging myself to do something like this but I've learnt to take everything as an opportunity to learn and grow. I need God's extra power tomorrow so please back me up by your prayers and pomp pomps!

The script that I will need to memorize is a page long, so pray for mega memory and superb energy and poise.


here's the link to StarWorld TV's site:

Monday, December 3, 2007

preparing for PTR Tennis coaching exam

Wanna learn some basic tennis from yours truly?

Well by this Saturday, I'll be professionally certified as an internationally recognized tennis coach by PTR, Professional Tennis Registry. But that is only if I get through the four day coaching exam.

It will be a certification from the States. Isn't that cool?

Will keep you informed......

Below are some tennis tips:

The role of the non-dominant hand in the one-handed backhanded

First of all, every player needs to know how to hit a one-handed backhand- even a player who has a great two handed backhand. One of the real keys to the successful execution of a one-handed backhand is the role that the non-dominant hand plays during the stroke.
As you begin the forward swing with your hitting arm on a one-handed backhand, the other arm needs to extend back and away from your body. This movement serves as a counter-balance, and keeps the back shoulder from rotating forward during the swing. While the two-handed backhand is more rotational- like on the forehand, your hips and trunk rotate through the shot- the one-handed backhand is a more lineal stroke. Extending the non-dominant hand out and away from the body “anchors” this lineal movement on the one-handed backhand.
There are differences in what the non-dominant hand does on the finish of the swing depending on the shot you choose. For a slice backhand, the hitting arm finishes low and in front of the body so the non-dominant hand extends away and upward. On a topspin drive, the hitting arm finishes above your head so the non-dominant hand is conversely extended down and away from your body. This counter-balance action is crucial, particularly when the shot is hit on the move.